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The custom branded 2025 School Calendar is designed to promote participating schools by showcasing key aspects of daily school life including pupil activities. It's free to participating schools to distribute to pupils and friends of the school.

The 2025 A3 wall school calendar features 13 months (January to January) with one month per page and 13 quality photos depicting students participating in various aspects of school life. State public and school holidays are featured along with national public holidays. Space is included for each day allowing brief notes to be added.

The calendar is professionally designed and printed using high quality photos printed on quality gloss paper. Local businesses are invited to participate as sponsors. It is expected that some of them will have children currently attending the school or themselves may have attended the school and will be keen to show their support.
Call 1300 85 26 85 for more information, or to express your interest as a participating sponsor.​ Alternatively, you can email us here.

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